16354 records found
Talmudic text.
List of geonic responsa, with references to appropriate talmudic tractates. In Judaeo-Arabic. Mentioned in Friedman, Polygyny, p. 30.
Fol. 1r: Haggadah (near beginning); fols 1v-2r: list of the tractates of the Mishnah, giving the number of chapters in each;
Literary texts with a note by Natan Av Bet Din labeling something as a drash that was completed and corrected in Jerusalem, in the year 4803 AM, which is 1042/43 CE.
Documentary; draft document appointing Joseph b. Benjamin as epitropos for a minor, named Abraham. (FGP)
Halakhic monograph written by Yosef Rosh ha-Seder. See joins in FGP.
A very faded and damaged, barely legible, letter, mentions Damascus and a certain Zekharya b. [...]
Few fragments of rotolus, joined together. written by the scribe who is known to write many such rotolus for the owner known as Ibn al-Baqra (early 11th century). On recto end of responsum on Gittin 32 regarding cancelation of get. On l. 19 a query on cancelation of sale, according to Baba Metzia 57a, numbered as '3'. From l. 28 the responsum. Published by Wertheimer, קהלת שלמה, p. 46-49. The joins identified by Dr. Ezra Shewat. AA
A late list of debt on recto. Book list on verso
Agreement of Moses b. Solomon to remain in Modon, dated 1557, written on the empty page of a copy of the Mishna.
Letter from an unknown writer, probably in Qūṣ, to an unknown addressee, probably in Fustat. In Judaeo-Arabic. Dating: Probably 12th century, but this is a guess. The writer describes a harrowing Nile voyage "due to the illness of the passengers and loathsome odors. Three of them ended up dying. The last one survived for a day and a half until he died. I remained in distress from the stench that wafted from him, and nearly perished." The writer then safely arrived in Akhmīm on Friday as evening was falling, so he spent Shabbat in the city. He had to pay 10.5 dirhams (of customs?) upon leaving on Sunday, after swearing that he had nothing with him except the clothes (? qumāsh) on his back. He mentions al-Shaykh Abū Isḥāq b. Mushrif/Musharraf who had paid the customs duty for the קמקין (?). The writer wished to inform the addressee of this earlier, but there was a delay of five days before he arrived in Qūṣ. "Your servant arrived in Qūṣ and experienced on the side of aṣḥābunā a measure of hospitality which I am unable to describe even in part. They kindly took an apartment for me, a place which can be locked, before I arrived. . . " On verso there is Mishna Avot. (Information in part from Goitein's index cards and Mediterranean Society 1:298, 474; 5:31-2, 513.) EMS. ASE.
Goralot (Lots)
On recto a fragment of Judeo Arabic letter mentioning Abu al-Ridda relating to selling or buying iron. On verso an Arabic letter- needs examination.
Very damaged and faded page, probably from a court record, regarding betrothal. From the various signatures preserved we can assume it was written between 1092-1132. Signed by Avraham b. Shema'aya ha-Haver, Shemuel b. Shemarya and Yefet. AA
Account in both Judaeo-Arabic and Arabic script - needs examination. Join: Amir Ashur.
Lists of names and amounts (or quantities), One word in Arabic on verso
Lists of commodities, such raisins and honey, in Judeo Arabic and Arabic - needs examination.
Minute fragment of Commercial list in Judeo Arabic and Arabic - needs examination.
Minute fragment: Arabic contract (FGP) - needs examination.
Minute fragment, few words in Hebrew