16354 records found
Fragment from an Arabic letter - needs examination.
Judaeo-Arabic: list of commodities and their prices (recto); Arabic: letter (verso)- needs examination
Fragmentary letter in Arabic- need examination
Business letter in Arabic script from Natan b. Nahray to Nahray b. Nissim (Aodeh).
Arabic account - needs examination.
Short Arabic note - needs examination.
List of contributions in both JA and Arabic - needs examination.
Legal document in Arabic script. Dated: Dhū l-Ḥijja 610 or 620 AH (=1214 or 1223 CE). Nearly complete, with two witness signatures, but smudged. Needs examination.
Letter in Arabic script. Reporting on a dialogue between the sender and someone else about someone who hasn't received a payment, and how the sender hasn't yet left Fustat. Mentions: "... his arrival... every day in a gathering of the Jews on the small fast day (yawm ṣawm al-ṣaghīr)." Mentions the government (al-sulṭān) several times. Mentions "aṣḥābnā al-ḥāḍirīn" (our friends/colleagues who are present). Might mention "the palace" (al-qaṣr, v4), and coming down from it, then "no one should blame me...." Needs further examination.
Legal documents (one on recto and remnants of two on verso) in Arabic script. Might be a deed of sale on recto and deeds of resale on verso. Mentions something "royal" (al-malikī) on recto l. 4, and mentions a stable (الاصطبل), verso, larger section, l. 2. Needs further examination.
Document in Arabic script. It seems imposing alimony of 1/2 dirham per day on ʿEzra b. Menaḥem, the ex-husband of Jawhara bt. Yusr, who has a nursing infant. T-S AS 147.25 may be the ketubba of the same couple (in which case this document dates to the mid-11th century). On verso there is Babylonian Talmud, Ketubbot 48a.
Legal documents (one on recto, one on verso). In Arabic script. Likely deeds of sale, since there appear to be descriptions of properties. Needs examination.
Legal document in Arabic script. Fragment (upper right corner). Likely a lease (hādha mā [istaʾjara?]). Handwriting looks old, likely 11th century. Needs examination.
One line in Arabic script: a ḥamdala and ṣalwala, probably from the bottom of what was originally a much larger state document.
Arabic letter - needs examination.
Unidentified document in Arabic script. Needs examination.
Fragmentary document(s) in Arabic script. One text block appears to be legal (two witness signatures preserved), another literary (at 180 degrees), and another is a list or table of some kind (on verso). Needs examination.
Fragmentary legal document(s) in Arabic script. There are two distinct main documents, one on recto and one on verso. In the right margin of recto, there are additional notes at 90 degrees; one mentions Qaṣr al-Shamʿ and gives the year (42[.] AH?). Needs examination.
Legal document in Arabic script. Very damaged. Mentions ʿAskar b. ʿAlī b. Faraj al-Maghribī in the first line. There are additional notes in the upper margin and on verso. Needs examination.
Minute fragment from an Arabic document - needs examination.